By J.D. Bradley

On Street Fighting: Lessons Learned in a Violent Subculture


For over two decades I was a violent sociopath as a direct result of my childhood and then experiences as a soldier. My adventures in the methamphetamine culture certainly exacerbated that. I am not proud of this. I’m just saying what it is; that being said, this book will articulate that experience in a series of amusing anecdotes and thoughts that explain the important lessons that I learned during that time; lessons I learned with contusions, abrasions, a couple of lacerations, my own blood, some jail time, a lot of craziness, and a great deal of pain.I highly recommend this book for martial artists, as their training does not cover, or even understand, the social dynamics of violence, aspiring street fighters that will gain a great deal of real world knowledge on this subject, anyone interested or fascinated by violence and/or fringe subcultures, and any fan of Taratino movies and/or Bukowski writing. Nothing like this has every been written before.You will learn how to substantially damage other people with some of this knowledge, among other things. I do not recommend this lifestyle and am no longer part of it, but I also regret nothing.This book is for educational purposes only. Neither the author nor the publisher assumes any responsibility for the use or misuse of the information contained in this book. Fighting is both dangerous and illegal.

Best Selling Author

J. D. Bradley

After decades of carousing, womanizing, drugging, fighting, and general debauchery I've slowed down a bit but what I consider slow other people consider pretty wild. I am staying out of fights now, however.


Fans of transgressive literature will undoubtedly be intrigued… An unfiltered and often disturbing treatise on male violence.


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