By J.D. Bradley

A Dark Corner of Paradise: Poetry and Musings from the Periphery of the Human Experience


This book is a written menagerie of various thoughts and compositions that I’ve exorcised from my soul over the last ten or so years, generally with the assistance of bourbon and beer. I started writing a decade or so ago as a way to make sense of my very different kind of experience I’ve had in this realm, and it’s been both rewarding and cathartic. You’ll notice some repeating themes. I did my best to arrange these in an orderly manner. Of course, they’re in no way chronological. Thank you for taking the time to read this book, and no matter the dire situation you find yourself, always remember that every day above ground is a good one, because as long as you’re alive, there is hope. If you are reading this, you got to wake up again, you lucky bastard.


Best Selling Author

J. D. Bradley

After decades of carousing, womanizing, drugging, fighting, and general debauchery I've slowed down a bit but what I consider slow other people consider pretty wild. I am staying out of fights now, however.


Over the course of this collection, Bradley’s in-your-face, no-regrets style allows him to paint a fiery portrait of an anti-establishment personality who has ample reason to dislike the police, the government, and abusers.


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